Maker's Notebook

A notebook you haven't heard of…yet.


With 4 kids I don’t have time to tinker, but I do have a lot of repairs to make. To keep track of my notes I stumbled upon this incredible notebook. It is packed with pages of reference material, square grid numbered pages, two rulers, and a back pocket to keep loose notes. This is a great addition for makers, repairers, tinkerers, and spirited men/women (more on this term later.)


This is the 3rd edition that is produced by the team at Make: magazine, and sells for $23.74 on Amazon.


The Maker Details

  • 9 1/4” x 6 1/4” size

  • Hardcover with elastic closure

  • 146 numbered square grid pages

  • 1/8 inch grid layout, with 1" inch major lines

  • Metric and Standard rulers

  • 20 Reference Pages

    • Common Weights and Measures

    • Conversions (e.g. 1/16 = .0625)

    • Caffeine (e.g. coffee 8oz/65-120mg

    • Recycling symbols

    • Archaic Chemical Names (e.g. aqua fortis = nitric acid)

    • Mnemonic Devices (e.g. Kids Prefer Cheese Over Fried Green Spinach. For: order of taxonomies in biology: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

    • Common Radio Call Signs

    • Hello, World! in various languages

    • Sewing Machine Needle Sizes

    • Common Technical Abbreviations

    • 10 Useful Tips for Makers

    • Maker Slang (e.g. monkey tight=tight enough, gorilla tight=too tight)

    • Web References

    • Robot References

    • Common Bonds

    • Material Considerations for CNC

    • G-Code Reference (CNC Machine commands)

    • Ohm’s Law

    • Basic Electronics Components and Function

    • Basic DMM Circuit Tests

    • Resistor Codes

    • Capacitors

    • LED Color Chart

    • Microcontrollers (MCU)

    • Single Board Computers

    • 3D Printer Filament Types

    • Basic Kid Maker Skills


Speaking of reference material, I highly suggest Adam Savage’s book, Every Tool’s a Hammer.

A brand new channel I recommend for makers, and fellow repairmen, is the Spirited Man by Van Neistat. He is the older brother of Casey Neistat and he has an out-of-the-box method to his work. While the channel has just started, it looks authentic and very original.


This is a very handy notebook to have around. The notebook is well-made, and full of good reference material.

As always, I purchased this notebook and my thoughts are my own. Thank you kindly for taking time to read my blog!

